Lucas Nogueira

Coding & Cool Stuff & Much More

About Me


Me and my wife on our honeymoon!

Hey! My name is Lucas and I work as a Software Developer since 2011.

In my first contact with programming I had 15 years old and was in a tech course for teenagers. Since then I never stopped.

I graduated in Information Systems at Universidade de São Paulo, where during the course I had the chance to discover and study several other technologies and programming languages.

But was almost by the end of the graduation journey that I met what would change the road for the next years:


Yes, Ruby!

I have been working with several technologies in the past years, mainly with Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Rspec & Capybara, Relational and Non Relational Databases, etc.

A Little More

I was born in Santos, but I work and spend most of my time in São Paulo.

I am eager to learn! It is my passion to learn the most I can from everything.

I strongly believe in the power of collaboration. You must set a goal for everything you do in life. With technology is no different. If you are not capable of using your knowledge to help the others, than you are probably doing something wrong.

Keep things simple and do your best. But please, do not forget to enjoy the road.

Companies and Projects I worked

SafeKick Pressed Lab360 ConcreteSolutions Abril Locaweb


Send me an email or, if you prefer, enter in contact by accessing one of my profiles. The links are down here.